c o n v e r g e n c e:
an online journal of poetry & art


ABSTRACT STOP by Myles Boisen

ABSTRACT STOP by Myles Boisen

by Jason Dean Arnold

There is a lizard behind
The windshield of the car
Next to mine
Sitting on the dashboard
Watching the car's interior
He doesn't look happy
The same as anyone else
Plastic or otherwise
In my passenger seat lies
A bag of reeds that held
The promise of sound once
But now rest like small, cut corpses
This car has 160,000 miles
Worn into it, and maybe
It will go 50,000 more
Either way, it's stopped now
Parked at the top of a garage
And it might not move for a while
Because I have no place
That I want to be more than
In hiding
Just until everything slides
Into a static calm state
Where even the lizard next door
Feels like he doesn't have to
Stand guard over the car
And the coffee I've just consumed
Leaves me sleepy
And everyone says good morning
And actually means it
I will probably be waiting a while
There is no money on me
And I have nothing to buy
No one to see in urgency
I just have time
Same as the lizard
Behind the windshield
Who doesn't even know
I am sitting right here

REINCAR by Myles Boisen

REINCAR by Myles Boisen

by David Thornbrugh

Coming off the freeway
in a concrete tunnel
we see him on a ledge
level with our windows
shooting up.
On the edge of the stars
some of us are
stuck in a cave
without the animals
to draw us out of ourselves.
Some of us are stuck
at the bottom of deep shafts
that penetrate the body
without ever touching the heart.
Some of us are stuck in our cars
going just slow enough
to see who it is we are leaving behind.

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