c o n v e r g e n c e:
an online journal of poetry & art


by Timothy Pilgrim

Squeezed hallway, slim slit,
waiting's end, the pass
before. Breach, unbreathe,

scorn the fall, refuse the born.
Ignore pleas, turn, crawl,
leave behind the screaming door.



by Timothy Pilgrim

Adds up, given the time spent
figuring ways to stay alive.
Join health club, subtract weight,
do yoga, every new kind

of exercise. Limit junk food,
get sleep, plus shots for measles,
tetanus, flu. Life kept like a lover
on the sly — think no one knows,

divide the family, deny she, too,
someday will go. Left the remainder,
alone to crunch numbers, buy time,
escape avalanche, tornado,

flood, crashed car or plane.
Calculate ways to survive fire,
not drown in stream, ocean, river,
lake. Multiply odds to survive

a quake — pitch tent out back,
hoard water, meds, food, supplies.
Believe we've solved winter sky,
count black stars as they arrive.

SILENT AS THE GRAVE by Brent Wiggans

SILENT AS THE GRAVE by Brent Wiggans

by Evan Myquest

If there's ever
Five minutes of silence
In the conversation
That's me joining in
Doing my share
Holy Christ
I'm smart enough to know
I can't compete with
Intelligent silence
People say silence is heavy
Well how heavy can it be
It only takes a word to
Disturb it
Shatter it to pieces
How heavy can it be
A pin drop is its undoing
A vow of silence is
Wasted if your sandaled footfalls
Slap on the monastery floor
Even the rude vesper quarter
Bells of towered Big Ben are
Programmed to interrupt
The sublime on
The quarter hour
And you won't hear it from me
Because my five minutes are up

CHRISTMAS IN OMAN by Baxter Jackson

CHRISTMAS IN OMAN by Baxter Jackson

by P.M.F. Johnson

The budget shrank like a banker's soul
so we boxed up our things
from those icy cubicles
and took the elevators down.
The bus home rattled us
past a few abandoned cars,
the American flags
on the side streets
lit by Christmas lights.

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